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for Everyone

with Swiss Professional Chef

Johanna Geisenhainer

Sustainable Nutrition helps reduce:
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Empowering people -
Every Meal.

Simply put: Our Sustainable Nutrition Learning Programme empowers your team to make eco-conscious choices, reduce waste, and become sustainability advocates, transforming your company's approach to a more sustainable future. Contact us today.


Our dietary choices wield significant influence over climate change. This is because 75% of the world's agricultural land is utilized for animal feed production. In Germany alone, 6.5 million tons of food are discarded in private households.

If we can become more mindful of our dietary habits, consume less meat, opt for regional and seasonal produce, and reduce food waste, we are well on our way to making a meaningful contribution to climate protection.


Revolutionize your company's approach to sustainability by engaging your employees with our Sustainable Nutrition Learning Programme. This program empowers your team to make eco-conscious decisions, reduce waste, and create environmentally responsible cuisine. By actively involving your workforce in sustainability, you'll not only enhance your corporate image but also inspire them to become sustainability advocates in the community. The time for change is now. Contact us to learn how we can guide your company and employees toward a more sustainable future


 “Waste is just a failure of the imagination.” 

-Douglas McMaster

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Knowing that I can have a real impact on climate change right from my own home is really empowering. I never knew that cooking sustainably could be so easy, and so much fun. My kids absolutely love getting involved in trying to problem-solve what we can use to create sustainable meals from leftovers, peels, skins, and stems. Cooking has become a family event again. We love Chef Jo!

- Marianne

Zero Waste Cooking mit Chef Jo Geisenhainer ist ein absolutes Erlebnis! Wir durften eine digitale Koch-Session mit Jo im Rahmen unserer Future Week für Kids genießen. So lernten die Kinder im Alter von 8-12 Jahren nicht nur wie man ganze Erdbeeren in einem Shake oder die Blätter von Radieschen zu einem Pesto verarbeitet. Auch vermittelte Jo kompetent spannende Informationen zum Thema regional und saisonal kochen und gab Tipps zum nachhaltigen Konsum von Lebensmitteln. In kurzer Zeit ist in dieser interaktiven Cooking Class ein tolles Kids-Menü entstanden, das die jungen Zukunftsmacher*innen mit Hilfe der digital aus ihrem Hausboot zugeschalteten Jo selbst zubereitet haben. Was für ein Erlebnis. Eine absolute Empfehlung. 

- Christiane

A zero waste cooking class with chef Jo is a great experience. She guides the preparation of dishes step by step in a friendly and inclusive way, so that even inexperienced cooks can follow along. And in between there are always exciting tips on how to get even more out of food.

- Martin

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